
ILSW7 - Unit 4 - Lesson 2 - E-Plus (Past Simple)

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  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (-)
    I didn't play badminton yesterday.
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (-)
    She didn't donate blood yesterday.
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (-)
    I didn't bake cake yesterday.
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (+)
    Yesterday, we chatted online.
  • ended
  • stayed
  • danced
  • The boy _____ football last Sunday.
    don't played
    didn't played
  • jumped
  • washed
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (?)
    Did you build models yesterday?
  • waited
  • enjoyed
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (?)
    Did you visit your grandparents last weekend?
  • Make a true sentence about yourself with this time expression: last weekend
  • needed
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (+)
    Yesterday, I played football.
  • studied
  • looked
  • Make a true sentence about yourself with this time expression: last summer
  • landed
  • I _____ TV last night.
    didn't watched
    don't watched
    didn't watch
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (-)
    I didn't watch a film last night.
  • Dad _____ a new car last week.
    doesn't buy
    didn't buy
  • Make a true sentence about yourself with this time expression: in 2020
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (-)
    I didn't collect stickers yesterday.
  • visited
  • Do you _____ chips?
  • laughed
  • Make a true sentence about yourself with this time expression: yesterday
  • played
  • asked
  • decided
  • Did you _____ your teeth last night?
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (+)
    Yesterday, I played tennis.
  • lived
  • climbed
  • watched
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (?)
    Did you play online games yesterday?
  • Make a true sentence about yourself with this time expression: three months ago
  • listened
  • started
  • walked
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (+)
    We tidied our rooms yesterday.
  • arrived
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (?)
    Did you make vlogs yesterday?
  • called
  • Mum always _____ chicken on Mondays.
    is cooking
  • cried
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (?)
    Did you read comics yesterday?
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (+)
    Yesterday, we talked on the phone.
  • wanted
  • Make a sentence, using Past Simple. (?)
    Did you walk to school this morning?