
Biochemistry and Macromolecules

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  • Which category of molecule is our main source of energy?
  • Compare AND contrast DNA and RNA
    Both nucleic acids. DNA double stranded, A, T, C, G. RNA single stranded, A, U, C, G.
  • What MOLECULE does lettuce, potatoes, and trees have in common?
    Cellulose - makes up cell walls
  • DRAW and NAME the basic building block of lipids
    Fatty acid
  • Lactose is made of what two monosaccharides?
    Glucose and galactose
  • Which macromolecule is the "workhorse" of the cell?
  • DRAW and NAME the monomer of carbohydrates
  • Which macromolecule(s) have nitrogen?
    Proteins and Nucleic Acids
  • Compare AND contrast polar and nonpolar bonds
    Both caused by shared electrons. Polar = unequally, nonpolar = equally shared
  • What is the name for the dense, positively charged center of the atom?
    The nucleus
  • Which category of molecule forms a protective, waxy layer over leaves?
  • How are nucleic acids related to proteins?
    Nucleic acids provide the instructions to create proteins
  • Which MOLECULE separates the watery cell interior from the watery structure outside the cell?
    Phospholipid - the bilayer forms a nonpolar barrier around the cell
  • Why does alcohol dry faster than water?
    Alcohol has few H bonds, which keep molecules stuck together until enough energy is input to break them
  • How is a molecule different from an atom?
    A molecule is many atoms bonded together.
  • State TWO differences between a SATURATED and an UNSATURATED fat
    Sat. fats come from animals. Solid at room temp. As many H's as possible. Unsat from plants, liquid, kink in chain.
  • What is soluble in water?
    Polar, partially polar, or charged substances. Ionic compounds, vitamins, minerals, sugar...
  • Macromolecules are compounds with what type of bond?
    Covalently bonded compounds
  • What is an atom?
    The smallest unit of matter
  • How can you remember the structure of a nucleotide?
    Pool (phosphate) - House (pentose sugar) - Garage (base)
  • Which category of macromolecule aids in digestion?
    Proteins - Enzymes digest our food into usable monomers
  • Define the levels of protein structure
    Amino acid -> peptide chain -> complicated folds -> combine to form polypeptide
  • How are lipids and carbohydrates similar?
    Both store energy for later use by the cell
  • DRAW at least three water molecules. Include partial charges and label the *two* types of bonds
    Covalent bonds are lines (electrons shared). Hydrogen bonds are dotted (attraction NOT a bond)
  • Describe how water freezes. What happens to the position of the water molecules and why?
    As water molecules slow, hydrogen bonds hold water molecules apart in a crystal structure. Six-sided. Less dense than liquid water
  • Explain surface tension
    Water molecules are strongly attracted to each other, especially at the surface where they form a tight film that resists external force
  • What's a monomer?
    The building block of our four basic biological molecules
  • How do ions form?
    Atoms take or give electrons. Aka an imbalance of positive protons and negative electrons
  • Which bond is NONPOLAR? O-H, N-H, C-H, C-O
    C-H, we know because lipids are a long chain of C-H bonds and they are nonpolar