
British and Canadian Culture

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  • Whatr is the currency of Canada?
    Canadian Dollar
  • When is Canada Day usually celebrated?
    1st of July
  • What is the official state-sanctioned religion in the UK?
    Church of England (which is of the Christian Protestant faith)
  • In the UK, there remains a commitment for younger family to take care of ________ __________.
    elderly relatives
  • One popular food in Canada is "______", which originates from Quebec and consists of French fries and cheese topped with brown gravy.
  • The national anthem for Canada is ‘O Canada’ the lyrics of which were originally in ______ until the English version was introduced in 1906
  • What is the currency of the UK?
    Pound Sterling, known as the Pound or Great British Pound (GBP)
  • What is the second most spoken, non-native language in the UK?
  • What is the UK etiquette when greeting? (Be specific!)
    To shake hands with all those present, even children.
  • The Canadian flag, known unofficially as ‘The Maple’ means ‘___ _____ _____’.
    the one leaf
  • What happens every 26th of December in the UK?
    Boxing Day
  • The _________ ________ and _______ and _________ are the most iconic dishes in the UK.
    English Breakfast, Fish and Chips
  • In Canada, children under the age of ______ cannot be charged with a criminal offence although parents can be made financially responsible for their behaviour.
  • In Canada, the medical profession tends to be dominated by men whilst women are more representative in _______/________ ________.
    nursing / nurturing roles
  • What is the capital of Canada?
  • In Quebec, it is usual to ______ _______ on each cheek as they do in France.
    kiss once
  • The British rely on ______, rather than emotions, to make decisions.
  • What is the capital of the UK?
  • In typical Canadian gify-giving, do not give ______ _______ as they are used at funerals.
    white lilies
  • Also known as "The Upper Class" (which is the class on top of UK's pecking order)
  • ____ _____ ___ ____ is the patriotic song dedicated to the reigning monarch of The United Kingdom.
    God Save The King