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  • In Scratch, what are "sprites"?
    Graphics and characters that can move, talk, and interact
  • What is the purpose of the "when green flag clicked" block in Scratch?
    It starts the program.
  • Which block in Scratch is used to play a sound?
    Play sound
  • In Scratch, what does the "change [variable] by [value]" block do?
    It changes the value of a variable. like in the example increment the score by 1.
  • In Scratch, what does the "clear" block do when using the pen?
    It resets the pen and erases all drawn lines.
  • How can you start a Scratch program when you want it to begin running?
    Click the green flag
  • What is the purpose of the "pen down" block in Scratch?
    It starts drawing lines on the stage.
  • What does the "if [condition] then" block do in Scratch?Repeat a set of actions b. Change the sprite's size c. Check a condition and perform actions if the condition is true d. Play a sound.
    Check a condition and perform actions if the condition is true
  • Which Scratch block is used to make a sprite move to a specific location on the stage?
    "go to [x:] [y:]"
  • Which block is used to change the color of the pen in Scratch?
    "change pen color to [color]"
  • What is Scratch?
    A visual programming language for creating interactive stories, animations, and games.
  • Which color category of blocks in Scratch is used for events and includes blocks like "when green flag clicked" and "wait [__] seconds"?
  • What is the purpose of the "glide [time] secs to x:__ y:__" block in Scratch?
    It moves the sprite to a specific location smoothly over a set time.
  • Which block in Scratch is used to create a loop that repeats a set of actions a specific number of times?
    "repeat [__]"
  • What does the "pen up" block do in Scratch when using the pen?
    It stops drawing lines.
  • which block category is represented by blue blocks?
    Motion blocs
  • In Scratch, what does the "hide" block do?
    It makes the sprite invisible.
  • What does the "wait [__] seconds" block do in Scratch?
    It pauses the program for a specified time.
  • which block category is represented by orange blocks and contains control structures like "repeat [__]" and "forever" loops?