
Spanish/English Cognates beginning with the lett ...

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  • pánico
    panic. This is not a time to panic, this is a time to stand up and be strong.
  • papel
    paper. The paper airplane had a secret message written inside.
  • observatorio
    observatory. The observatory was situated on a mountain high above the clouds.
  • noticia
    notice. I hope they won't notice me in my sheep disguise.
  • parque
    park. The woman sat on a bench in the park and read a good book.
  • parte
    part. I like to part my hair down the middle.
  • nervioso (a)
    nervous. Most people get really nervous before taking a test.
  • plantas
    plants. Plants are good to have in your home because they give off oxygen.
  • fotografía
    photograph. My friend has a photograph of the group that we belonged to.
  • océano
    ocean. We watched the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen over the ocean.
  • practicar
    practice (to). If you want to be a good piano player, it is important to practice.
  • paciencia
    patience. It takes a lot of patience if you want to catch the biggest fish.
  • octubre
    October. I love when the leaves start to change colors in October.
  • planes
    plans. My plans for the weekend are to watch a good movie at home.
  • necesidad
    necessity. Drinking water is a basic necessity of life.
  • práctica
    practice. The more you practice, the more you will remember.
  • palacio
    palace. My best friend is a princess who lived in a palace.
  • ocasión
    occasion. They put on their best clothes for the special occasion.
  • problema
    problem. The dog was able to solve the problem.
  • planeta
    planet. Planet Earth is the most beautiful planet that was created by God.
  • permanente
    permanent. I like to write with a Sharpie because it is permanent and won't fade away.
  • piano
    piano. Playing the piano can be relaxing and therapeutic.
  • platos
    plates. We bought paper plates so that we wouldn't have any dishes to wash.
  • perfume
    perfume. The perfume she wore smelled like a bed of roses.
  • preparar
    prepare (to). I like to help my mom prepare food for meals.
  • operación
    operation. I was a little scared when I went in for my operation after seeing who the doctor was.
  • pionero
    pioneer. The European settlers who came to America in the 16th century are known as pioneers
  • planetario
    planetarium. Inside the planetarium, crowds of visitors watched an amazing show that recreated a night sky dense with stars.
  • obediencia
    obedience. They took their naughty dog to obedience school and now he is a good dog.
  • néctar
    nectar. Hummingbirds drink nectar from flowers.
  • policía
    police. Police are important to keep law and order.
  • perfecto (a)
    perfect. Nobody is perfect but that performance came pretty close.
  • objeto
    object. The Air Force pilot saw the strange object flying parallel with his plane.
  • profesional
    professional. My brother is a professional guitarist and plays concerts all over the world.
  • oficina
    office. Sometimes we have a little too much fun at the office.
  • ordinario
    ordinary. It was an ordinary day like any other.
  • presentar
    present (to). He was presented with a medal at the ceremony.
  • Pingüino
    penguin. A group of penguins in the water is called a raft but on land they’re called a waddle!
  • natural
    natural. The chimpanzee will make tools out of branches and rocks in his natural habitat.
  • pirata
    pirate. Captain Jack Sparrow in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" was played by Johnny Depp.
  • foto
    photo. My sister took a photo so that she would remember this moment.