
We the People 1-2

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  • A condition in which no governments or laws exist at all.
    State of nature
  • What is the purpose of government?
    Protecting natural rights that the individual cannot effectively protect in a state of nature.
  • To approve of something or allow for something to take place.
  • How did the Founders use Locke's ideas?
    Locke's ideas were used in the Declaration of Independence as well as the Constitution.
  • How did the ideas of John Locke influence the Founders?
    John Locke's ideas about natural rights and the state of nature made the Founders think about the purpose of government and how to effectively protect rights.
  • Why do people agree to form a social contract?
    In giving up some freedom, they are protecting their natural rights. They gain more security.
  • What did John Locke say might happen in a state of nature?
    Most people are good but many would be selfish, the weak wouldn't be able to protect rights, rights are not safe, no right to govern.
  • An agreement with others to create and live under a government and give that government the power to make and enforce laws.
    social contract
  • A doctrine that human beings have basic rights, such as those to life, liberty, and property in a state of nature and that people create governments to protect those rights.
    Natural Rights
  • What natural rights did John Locke believe all people should have?
    life, liberty, and property
  • What did we as a class decide life would be like in a state of nature?
    Chaotic, dangerous, rights not protected, stressful, uncertain, free, etc.