
Spanish/English Cognates that begin with letters ...

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  • inventar
    invent (to). If you want to invent a new product, you should get a patent for it.
  • interesante
    interesting. The debate between flat Earth and global Earth was very interesting.
  • grupo
    group. The group of penguins waddled to the the nesting area together.
  • isla
    island. I would love to live on an island in the Caribbean.
  • investigar
    investigate (to). The detective came to investigate the crime.
  • impresionando (a)
    impressed. Heidi was very impressed with that performance.
  • incurable
    incurable. He is suffering from an incurable skin disease.
  • inseparable
    inseparable. The twins were inseparable. They had a hard time doing anything apart.
  • imaginar
    imagine (to). I like to imagine that I am riding a real horse.
  • invitación
    invitation. My cousin sent me an invitation to his birthday party.
  • independencia
    independence. We celebrate our independence on July 4th.
  • gas
    gas. The gas tank was empty so we had to stop at the gas station.
  • guía
    guide. Our hiking guide took us on a fun adventure.
  • humano (a)
    human. In the movie called "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," Mr. Tumnus told Lucy that he is not human, he is a faun.
  • helicóptero
    helicopter. The Navy Seals jumped from the helicopter into the ocean.
  • inspección
    inspection. The exterminator came to my house to do an inspection to make sure I didn't have termites.
  • impresión
    impression. I had the impression we had met before.
  • introducir
    introduce (to). Let's go introduce ourselves to the new student.
  • importancia
    important. It is very important that you always do your homework.
  • identificación
    identification. You have to show your identification to get into the meeting.
  • inteligencia
    intelligence. The man had a very high intelligence. He could solve any equation we gave him without a calculator.
  • increíble
    incredible. It was incredible how the dog caught the stick.
  • galaxia
    galaxy. The astronomers discovered a new galaxy last week.
  • jirafa
    giraffe. The new baby giraffe was a little wobbly when he tried to stand up.
  • golf
    golf. We were dancing when I hit a hole in one at the golf course.
  • hotel
    hotel. We ordered room service for dinner at the hotel.
  • hora
    hour. In one hour we will take a break and have a snack.
  • galón
    gallon. He drank a whole gallon of milk in under one minute!
  • honor
    honor. We should honor the brave men and women who serve our country.
  • jardín
    garden. My mom planted tomatoes in the garden.
  • insectos
    insects. There are so many insects in the woods.
  • gorila
    gorilla. The gorilla was very gentle with the kitten.
  • información
    information. For your information, the meeting has changed to a different date.
  • inmediatamente
    immediately. My cat was starving so he wanted me to feed him immediately.
  • hospital
    hospital. He will be spending the night in the hospital so they can run some more tests.
  • invitar
    invite (to). I am going to invite the whole class to my party.
  • insistir
    insist (to). I insist that you stay and eat dinner with us.
  • hipopótamo
    hippopotamus. The hippopotamus is considered the second largest land animal on Earth.
  • historia
    history. I love to learn about the history of our world.
  • idea
    idea. The Grinch had a bad idea to steal all the Christmas presents.
  • inmigrantes
    immigrants. We came to the United States as immigrants from Ecuador.
  • interrumpir
    interrupt (to). I am so sorry to interrupt, but I have an important question.
  • introducción
    introduction. The introduction of the new phone will come out tomorrow.
  • glorioso (a)
    glorious. It was a glorious day out on the lake today.