
Adults VA Let's Practise!

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  • What is a 'chandal'
    track suit (must pronounce correctly)
  • I didn't used to like salad / I didn't use to like salad
    didn't use to
  • Gill has lived in Spain for / since 5 years
    for (duration)
  • Name 2 things (not edible) that you would find in a kitchen beginning 'p'
    pan, pot, plate,
  • How do you say this in English? garganta
  • Name 3 foods beginning 'h'
    hot dog, ham, hamburger, honey
  • T/F Gill used to work in a bank
  • What is a GP
    family doctor, general practitioner
  • dolor in English
  • in / on / at Christmas day, English people eat turkey
  • pronounce correctly: Asia
    sounds like: ayzha. aija
  • I have an appointment in / on / at Tuesday
  • I am having / will have a party tomorrow. Come to the Stars bar at 9pm.
    am having (a definite arrangement)
  • Name 5 things you can eat beginning with b
    beef, bread, beans, broccoli, butter, burger, blueberry
  • In English: construir
  • what's the difference between 'borrow' and 'lend'
    borrow - you take. Lend - you give
  • A tiny room where people keep their washing machine
    utility room
  • grua in English
  • Name 2 sports beginning 'b'
    baseball, basketball (NOT basket)
  • present perfect: JK Rowling ___ _______ (write) many books
    has written
  • The place where you hang your clothes
  • In school, teenagers study biology, chemistry and.. (spell)
  • I've ______ (just, yet, already) got home, the train was late
    just (a short time ago)
  • Have you done your homework (just, yet, already)?
    yet (used in negatives and questions)
  • How do you say this in English? criar
    to bring up
  • present perfect: I _____ _____ (eat) turtle
    have eaten
  • I was born in / on / at 1968
  • bury means
    when someone dies and they go under the ground
  • In English: cucuracha
  • get engaged means..
    agree to marry
  • Today's date is
    the eleventh of September ( ordinal number)
  • montar in English
  • Make a question using past simple, beginning who
    Who did you meet for coffee?
  • Make a past continuous sentence using 'eat'
    She was eating a lemon
  • pronounce correctly: juice
    sounds like jooss
  • In English: venenoso
  • While they were ________ (cook) lunch, they drank a glass of wine
  • Next weekend I am going/will to visit Granada.
    am going to (plan)
  • Did you used to wear glasses? / Did you use to wear glasses?
    Did you use to
  • past simple of buy
  • Name 3 types of cutlery
    knife, fork, spoon
  • r & r means?
    rest and relaxation
  • part of the body beginning k
    knee, kidney
  • What is jogging?
  • She's (just, yet, already) seen the film, so she didn't go to the cinema.
    already 8done before now)
  • pronounce correctly: cough
    sounds like 'coff'
  • part of the body beginning 'f'
    face, finger
  • Make a question using past simple, beginning 'where'
    Where did you buy your scarf?
  • How do you say this in English? farmacía
    chemist (pharmacy in US)
  • Cajon in English
  • vomitar in English
    be sick, vomit, throw up
  • pronounce correctly: laugh
    sounds like 'laff'
  • FAQs means...?
    frequently asked questions
  • Say 1,358
    one thousand, three hundred AND fifty eight
  • past simple of think
  • I'm going on holiday in / on / at the summer
  • in / on / at night, I like staying in, watching TV and drinking a glass of wine
  • A small 'sofa' for one person
  • Ask a question: Have you ever....?
    past participle needed (Have you ever eaten...)
  • Pronounce busy
    sounds like bizzy
  • While I was __________ (read) my book, I fell asleep
  • A&E is
    accident and emergency (Urgencias)
  • I ate a ____ of tuna and a potato for lunch
  • Pronounce fruit juice
    sounds like froot joose
  • present perfect: I _____ _____ (ride) a camel
    have ridden
  • My niece was born 12 months ago. It's her ____ birthday today.
  • ONG in English
  • Name 2 animals beginning 't'
    tarantula, tiger, turkey
  • The train leaves / is going to leave at 10:30pm
    leaves (present tense for timetables)
  • My birthday is in / on / at November
  • I get up in / on / at 8am
  • I have never...
    visited Australia...
  • 'solía' hacer algo in English
    used to
  • What does 'skive' mean?
    skip classes or work, pretend you're ill
  • Make a past continuous sentence using 'walk'
    I was walking home when i saw my friend
  • past simple of go
  • A person travelling to work (by car, bus, train)
    a commuter
  • Answer: Where will you go in the summer?
    I'll go to...maybe, I think...for possibilities
  • I used to live in China / I use to live in China
    I used to
  • two meanings of 'blind'
    persianas, ciega
  • How many f______ languages do you speak? WRITE
  • How do you say this in English? ansiedad
    anxiety (anxious)
  • Say 546
    five hundred AND forty six
  • I had lunch in / on / at 2:30pm
  • Make a question using past simple, beginning why
    Why did you choose Hopscotch Academy?
  • past simple of eat
  • garganta in English