
Everyday activities for kids 4

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  • What TV programs do you watch?
  • Spell this activity
    Go to the cinema
  • Do you like...?
    doing sports?
  • Do you ...?
    watch a football match
  • How often do you ...?
    visit grandparents
  • When do you...?
    go on a trip
  • How often do you do ...?
  • What's this activity?
    Do chores
  • What's this activity?
    Go to a restaurant
  • What's this activity?
    Watch a football match
  • What's this activity?
    Go for a walk
  • What's this activity?
    Go on a trip
  • Spell this activity
    Visit friends
  • How often do you ...?
    Watch TV
  • Do you...?
    visit friends
  • Spell this activity
    Do sports
  • How often do you ...?
    Play tennis
  • What's the name of your favourite restaurant?
  • When do you...?
    play tennis