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  • What's the question to this answer? Susie is very shy and quiet.
    What's Susie like?
  • What's the question to this answer? David is tall and thin. He's got dark hair.
    What does David look like?
  • What's this?
    It's a coconut shy.
  • What are these?
    They're labels.
  • COMPLETE A book is something ......... you read.
    A book is something ......... you read.
  • What's this?
    It's a balloon.
  • This is a person who flies an airplane.
    A pilot.
  • COMPLETE A bookshop is a place ....... you buy books.
    A bookshop is a place WHERE you buy books.
  • What's the question to this answer? Mary has long blond hair and she's very short.
    What does Mary look like?
  • This is a type of boat which goes under the water.
    A submarine.
  • The school subject where you learn things about the past.
  • COMPLETE A pencil is something ......... you write with.
    A pencil is something WHICH you write with.
  • COMPLETE A clown is someone ......... works in a circus and is funny.
    A clown is someone WHO works in a circus and is funny.
  • This is a place where you park your car.
    A car-park/A garage
  • COMPLETE A chef is someone ......... cooks.
    A chef is someone WHO cooks.
  • What's the question to this answer? Jonny is very funny, confident and intelligent.
    What's Jonny like?
  • What's the question to this answer? Anne likes dogs.
    What (animal) does Anne like?
  • It's something where you keep food cold.
    A fridge.
  • COMPLETE A university is a place ....... you can study different subjects.
    A university is a place WHERE you can study different subjects.
  • What's the question to this answer? David likes bananas.
    What does David like?
  • This is something which opens doors.
    A key.
  • It's a place where you buy food.
    A supermarket/grocer's/a bar/a restaurant
  • It's an object which you use to drink from.
    A glass/a cup