
PI TWO 12C Lead-in

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  • Weekends should be longer.
  • Personality is more important than beauty.
  • Life is easier for teenagers now than 50 years ago.
  • You can know a lot about people from the clothes they wear.
  • Phones should be banned at school again.
  • Is it better to be rich with no friends than poor with many friends
  • Students should be paid to go to school.
  • It would be terrible to know what other people are thinking all the time.
  • Summer is the best season of the year.
  • Video games make people violent.
  • Dogs make better companions than cats.
  • Everyone should plan their own funeral.
  • Internet is better than TV.
  • It's OK to lie sometimes.
  • Uniforms should be optional at schools.
  • Series are better than movies.
  • Being really short is better than being really tall.
  • Internet makes our lives easier.
  • Money is more important than love.
  • There should be more school breaks.
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  • Human cloning should be allowed.
  • All schools should have lockers.
  • ‘Smart phones’ make us stupid.