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  • (be ) Nick's bag (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is Nick's bag blue?
  • (be) Pat's (noun) (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is Pat's doll orange?
  • Is Sam's doll blue? (O)
    Yes, Sam's doll is blue.
  • Is Sam's ball yellow? (X)
    No, Sam's ball is not yellow.
  • Is the goat's bag pink? (X)
    No, the goat's bag is not pink.
  • Is Bill's book red? (O)
    Yes, Bill's book is red.
  • Is Nick's eraser orange and blue? (X)
    No, Nick's eraser is not orange and blue.
  • Is Pat's bag green? (X)
    No, Pat's bag is not green.
  • Is Dan's eraser pink? (O)
    Yes Dan's eraser is pink.
  • Is Nick's bag blue? (X)
    No, Nick's bag is not blue.
  • Is Dan's eraser brown? (X)
    No, Dan's eraser is not brown.
  • (be) Dan's (noun) (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is Dan's eraser brown?
  • Is Sam's ball yellow? (O)
    Yes, Sam's ball is yellow.
  • Is Pat's doll orange? (X)
    No, Pat's doll is not orange.
  • Is Nick's bag blue? (O)
    Yes, Nick's bag is blue.
  • (be) Bill's (noun) (adjective- colour)(?)
    Is Bill's book red?
  • (be) the dog's (noun) (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is the dog's scooter blue?
  • Is Dan's eraser pink? (X)
    No, Dan's eraser is not pink.
  • Is the goat's bag pink? (O)
    Yes, the goat's bag is pink.
  • Is Alex's pen black? (X)
    No, Alex's pen is not black.
  • Is the goat's ball red? (O)
    Yes, the goat's ball is red.
  • (be) Bill's (noun) (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is Bill's book black?
  • Is Bill's book black? (O)
    Yes, Bill's book is black.
  • (be) Alex's pen (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is Alex's pen black?
  • (be) the dog's (noun) (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is the dog's bike blue?
  • Is Nick's eraser orange and blue? (O)
    Yes, Nick's eraser is orange and blue.
  • (be) the goat's (noun) (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is the goat's bag pink?
  • (be) Pat's (noun) (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is Pat's bag green?
  • (be) Dan's eraser (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is Dan's eraser pink?
  • Is Ben's pen orange? (X)
    No, Ben's pen is not orange.
  • Is the cat's pen grey? (X)
    No, the cat's pen is not grey.
  • Is Ben's pencil white? (O)
    Yes, Ben's pencil is white.
  • (be) Ben's pen (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is Ben's pen orange?
  • Is the dog's scooter blue? (O)
    Yes, the dog's scooter is blue.
  • (be) Ben's (noun) (adjective) (?)
    Is Ben's pencil white?
  • Is Nick's eraser (colour) and (colour) (?)
    Is Nick's eraser orange and blue?
  • (be) the goat's (noun) (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is the goat's ball red?
  • Is Sam's doll blue? (X)
    No, Sam's doll is not blue.
  • Is the cat's doll pink? (X)
    No, the cat's doll is not pink.
  • Is Pat's doll orange? (O)
    Yes, Pat's doll is orange.
  • Is Tony's ball purple? (X)
    No, Tony's ball is not purple.
  • Is Bill's book red? (X)
    No, Bill's book is not red.
  • Is Bill's book black? (X)
    No, Bill's book is not black.
  • Is Dan's eraser brown? (O)
    Yes, Dan's eraser is brown.
  • Is Ben's pencil white? (X)
    No, Ben's pencil is not white.
  • (be) Tony's (noun) (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is Tony's ball purple?
  • (be) the cat's pen (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is the cats' pen grey?
  • Is the dog's bike blue? (O)
    Yes, the dog's bike is blue.
  • Is the dog's scooter blue? (X)
    No, the dog's scooter is not blue.
  • (be) Sam's (noun) (adjective) (?)
    Is Sam's doll blue?
  • Is Alex's pen black? (O)
    Yes, Alex's pen is black.
  • Is Pat's bag green? (O)
    Yes, Pat's bag is green.
  • Is the cat's doll pink? (O)
    Yes, the cat's doll is pink.
  • Is the dogs bike blue? (X)
    No, the dog's bike is not blue.
  • (be) Sam's (noun) (adjective- colour) (?)
    Is Sam's ball yellow?
  • Is the goat's ball red? (X)
    No, the goat's ball is not red.
  • Is the cat's pen grey? (O)
    Yes, the cat's pen is grey.
  • Is Tony's ball purple? (O)
    Yes, Tony's ball is purple.
  • Is Ben's pen orange? (O)
    Yes, Ben's pen is orange.