
Present continuous - affirmative, negative, inte ...

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  • Uncle Terry and his friend (fish) ________________ at the lake today. They (not, fish) _________________ at the beach.
    are fishing - aren't fishing
  • He (play) ______________ the trumpet now
    is playing
  • We (not, study) ________________ French.
    aren't studying
  • Roi (not, sing) ________________ in the classroom now.
    isn't singing
  • Steve is in his bedroom. He ________________ the floor. (vacuum = aspirar)
    is vacuming
    are vacuuming
    is vacuumming
    is vacuuming
  • Eddie (not, write) ________________ a novel
    isn't writing
  • I am at the table with my family. We ________________ dinner.
    is having
    are haveing
    are having
  • She (shop) __________________ at the mall now.
    is shopping
  • It’s a break time. Jack and I ________________ football.
    are playing
    are palying
    am playing
    are plaiing
  • You (get) ___________________ hungry now.
    are getting
  • I (run) __________________ now.
    am running
  • Lara (not, do) ________________ the homework right now.
    isn't doing
  • It (play) _______________ the drums now.
    is playing
  • Erin and Jessica (make) ________________ a cake right now.
    are making
  • My grandpa (not, wait) ________________ for the bus!
    isn't waiting
  • Fran and Ali (not, walk) ________________ to school now.
    aren't walking
  • Right now, I (buy) ________________ groceries. I need eggs, milk, and bread
    am buying
  • My mum and I ________________ a goodnight kiss to each other.
    am giveing
    am giving
    are giveing
    are giving
  • She (play) ______________ the flute now.
    is playing
  • We are in the school library. Jack ________________ a book.
    is borrowing
    is borowing
    is borrowwing
    is borowwing
  • We (plan) __________________ the vacation now
    are planning
  • Jenny (take) _________________ pictures.
    is taking
  • (he, play) ________________  tennis later?
    is he playing
  • My dog, Rocky, ________________ in his box now.
    is sleeping
    is sleep
    is sleepping
    am sleeping
  • Jason (listen) ________________ to music now.
    is listening
  • I ________________ an essay on modern English literature.
    am writting
    'm writeing
    'm writing
    am writeing
  • I (play) ______________ the piano now.
    am playing
  • My dog (jump) ________________, he is excited.
    is jumping
  • Amy and Alison (take) ________________ the dog for a walk
    are taking
  • What (you, do) ________________ right now?
    are you doing
  • John and Mary (not, work) ________________ in a restaurant now.
    aren't working
  • Dennis (not, hike) ________________ up the mountain right now.
    isn't hiking
  • He (sleep) __________________ in the bed now.
    is sleeping
  • The kids ________________ the 100-meter race.
    are running
    are runing
    are run
    is running
  • Are Daniel and James playing football this year? No, they ________________ soccer.
    are playing
  • The comedian (act) ________________ funny.
    isn't acting
  • Alice ________________ chicken soup for dinner today.
    is coking
    is cooking
    is cookking
    is cook
  • The band (play) ________________ a song.
    is playing
  • My car (make) ________________ strange noises.
    is making
  • Marcos and I (study) ________________ English now.
    are studying
  • (it, rain) ________________?
    Is it raining
  • What (you, drink) ________________ ?
    are you drinking
  • Molly and Sue ________________ the car at the moment.
    are washing
    aren't washing
    are wash
    are washhing
  • My sister (not, eat) ________________ chocolate.
    isn't eating
  • Amelia and Abjar (move) ________________ to California this week
    are moving
  • Maria ________________ flamenco today.
    am practicing
    are practising
    is practising
  • What time (he, go) ________________ to the cinema?
    is he going
  • He (swim) ___________________ in the pool now.
    is swimming
  • They (play) ______________ harps now.
    are playing
  • Valeria (not, drink) ________________ tea right now.
    isn't drinking
  • Tom ________________ a barbecue for us at the moment.
    is prapering
    is prepareing
    is preparing
    are preparing
  • All of the children (dance) ________________ at the party.
    are smiling
  • Billy (do) ________________ his homework now.
    is doing
  • It’s seven o’clock. I ________________ up.
    are geting
    am getting
    is getting
    am geting
  • Right now, Mr. Andrews (drive) ________________ the bus.
    is driving
  • Elijah (run) ________________ in a race.
    is running
  • I think the children (not, sleep) ________________.
    aren't sleeping
  • My baby sister ________________. now. She has just had her porridge. (smile = sonreír)
    is smiling
    is smilling
    is smileing
  • Dave and Ann are in France. They ________________ French.
    are spaeking
    are speaking
    is speaking
    are speakking
  • Julia (not, have dinner) ________________ right now.
    isn't having dinner
  • Kate ________________ her bed at the moment.
    is makeing
    is making
    are making
    is make
  • Sara ________________ her sister’s hair at the moment.
    is combbing
    is combing
    are combing
    is comb
  • Suzie and Jim ________________ in the park now.
    are walkking
    are walk
    is walking
    are walking
  • You (play) ______________ the guitar now.
    are playing
  • It ________________ a lot these days.
    is snowwing
    are snowing
    is snow
    is snowing
  • My grandpa ________________ the morning newspaper now.
    is readding
    am reading
    are reading
    is reading
  • Beto (sing) ________________ in the shower. He has a nice voice!
    is singing
  • They (stop) __________________ the game now
    are stopping
  • Why (you, study) ________________ now?
    are you studying
  • Tommy and Brian (listen) _______________ to music. It sounds like rock music.
    are listening
  • (you, run) ________________?
    are you running
  • Grandma Susie (not, read) ________________ the newspaper.
    isn't hiking
  • Be careful! Megan (cook) ________________, and the oven is hot
    is cooking
  • Aunt Janet (paint) ________________ a picture.
    is painting
  • We (play) ______________ violins now.
    are playing
  • Shhh…be quiet! The teacher (speak) ________________ now!
    is speaking