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  • Can she hold Nick's hand? (X)
    No, she can not hold Nick's hand.
  • Can you tick Sam's box? (X)
    No, I can not tick Sam's box.
  • Can we find Dan's car? (O)
    Yes, we can find Dan's car.
  • Can (pron-subj) (verb) Alex's (noun) (?)
    Can she hold Alex's ruler?
  • Can they point to Sam's train? (O)
    Yes, they can point to Sam's train.
  • Can he (verb) Ben's (noun) (?)
    Can he pick up Ben's book?
  • Can he hold Dan's train? (O)
    Yes, he can hold Dan's train.
  • Can he pick up Ben's book? (X)
    No, he can not pick up Ben's book.
  • Can (pron-subj) (verb) the girl's (noun) (?)
    Can she pick up the girl's cat?
  • Can (pronoun) (verb) the books (?)
    Can it take out the books?
  • Can I point to Pat's doll? (O)
    Yes, you can point to Pat's doll.
  • Can it pick up the boy's pencil? (O)
    Yes, it can pick up the boy's pencil.
  • Can she hold Alex's ruler? (O)
    Yes, she can hold Alex's ruler.
  • Can you (verb) Sam's box?
    Can you tick Sam's box?
  • Can you color Tony's book? (O)
    Yes, I can color Tony's book.
  • Can we circle Nick's ball? (X)
    No, we can not circle Nick's ball.
  • Can it take out the book? (X)
    No, it can't take out the book.
  • Can he hold Dan's train? (X)
    No, he can not hold Dan's train.
  • Can we (verb) Nick's ball (?)
    Can we circle Nick's ball?
  • Can she pick up the girl's cat? (X)
    No, she can not pick up the girl's cat.
  • Can it take out the book? (O)
    Yes, it can take out the book.
  • Can you (verb) Ben's (noun) (?)
    Can you find Ben's pencil?
  • Can he (verb) Dan's (noun) (?)
    Can he hold Dan's train?
  • Can she (verb) the cat's book (?)
    Can she draw the cat's book?
  • Can I (verb) to Pat's doll (?)
    Can I point to Pat's doll?
  • Can you find Ben's pencil? (X)
    No, I can't find Ben's pencil.
  • Can she draw the bird? (O)
    Yes, she can draw the bird.
  • Can she (verb) the (noun) (?)
    Can she draw the bird?
  • Can it circle Bill's kite? (X)
    No, it can't circle Bill's kite.
  • Can he pick up Ben's book? (O)
    Yes, he can pick up Ben's book.
  • Can you (verb) Tony's (noun) (?)
    Can you color Tony's book?
  • Can she (verb) Nick's (noun) (?)
    Can she hold Nick's hand?
  • Can they point to Sam's train? (X)
    No, they can't point to Sam's train.
  • Can I point to Pat's doll? (X)
    No, you can not point to Pat's doll.
  • Can she pick up the girl's cat? (O)
    Yes, she can pick up the girl's cat.
  • Can you tick Sam's box? (O)
    Yes, I can tick Sam's box.
  • Can (pronoun) (verb) the boy's pencil (?)
    Can it pick up the boy's pencil?
  • Can I color Tony's book? (X)
    No, you can't color Tony's book.
  • Can she draw the cat's book? (O)
    Yes, she can draw the cat's book.
  • Can we circle Nick's ball? (O)
    Yes, we can circle Nick's ball.
  • Can you find Ben's pencil? (O)
    Yes, I can find Ben's pencil.
  • Can we (verb) Dan's car (?)
    Can we find Dan's car?
  • Can she draw the bird? (X)
    No, she can not draw the bird.
  • Can I color Tony's book? (O)
    Yes, you can color Tony's book.
  • Can I (verb) Tony's book (?)
    Can I color Tony's book?
  • Can you color Tony's book? (X)
    No, I can not color Tony's book.
  • Can it pick up the boy's pencil? (X)
    No, it can't pick up the boys pencil.
  • Can we find Dan's car? (X)
    No, we can not find Dan's car.
  • Can she hold Nick's hand? (O)
    Yes, she can hold Nick's hand.
  • Can it circle Bill's kite? (O)
    Yes, it can circle Bill's kite.
  • Can she hold Alex's ruler? (X)
    No, she can not hold Alex's ruler.
  • Can she draw the cat's book? (X)
    No, she can't draw the cat's book.