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  • Can he eat Tony's ice cream? (X)
    No, he cannot eat Tony's ice cream.
  • Can it run to Alex's home? (O)
    Yes, it can run to Alex's home.
  • Can he hold May's hand? (X)
    No, he cannot hold May's hand.
  • Can they eat Sam's food? (O)
    Yes, they can eat Sam's food.
  • Can she play Tony's Piano? (O)
    Yes, she can play Tony's piano.
  • Can it read May's book?(O)
    Yes, it can read May's book.
  • Can he sing Pat's song? (O)
    Yes, he can sing Pat's song.
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (name) ('s') (pen) (?).
    Can he find Alex's pen?
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (Dan) ('s') (n) (?)
    Can he open Dan's door?
  • Can he cook Bill's food? (O)
    Yes, he can cook Bill's food?
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (May) ('s') (n) (?).
    Can it read May's book?
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (Anna) ('s') song (?).
    Can he sing Anna's song?
  • Can he write Dan's name? (O)
    Yes, he can write Dan's name.
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (May) ('s') (n) (?)
    Can he hold May's hand?
  • Can I draw Jay's mom? (O)
    Yes, you can draw Jay's mom.
  • Can he drink Sam's juice? (O)
    Yes, he can drink Sam's juice.
  • Can she hit Jill's cat? (O)
    Yes, she can hit Jill's cat
  • Can they eat Sam's cake? (O)
    Yes, they can eat Sam's cake.
  • Can he find Dan's car? (X)
    No, he cannot find Dan's car.
  • Can he open Dan's door? (X)
    No, he cannot open Dan's door.
  • Can he ride Tony's bicycle? (X)
    No, he cannot ride Tony's bicycle.
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (Sam) ('s') (n) (?).
    Can they eat Sam's cake?
  • Cat they eat the cat's food? (X)
    No, they cannot eat the cat's food.
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) Sam ('s') (n) (?).
    Can he drink Sam's juice?
  • Can she find Alex's pen? (X)
    No, she cannot find Alex's pen.
  • Can she tick May's book? (O)
    No, she cannot tick May's book.
  • Can they eat Sam's food? (X)
    No, they cannot eat Sam's food.
  • Can she write Dan's name?
    No, she can't write Dan's name.
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (Dan) ('s') name (?)
    Can he write Dan's name?
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (Pat) ('s') (n) (?).
    Can he walk Pat's cat?
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (Bill) ('s') (n) (?).
    Can she cook Bill's food?
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (Pat) ('s') (n) (?).
    Can she sing Pat's song?
  • Can she hit Jill's cat? (X)
    No, she cannot hit Jill's cat.
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (Lucy) ('s') (n) (?).
    Can he eat Lucy's ice cream?
  • Can she sing Pat's song? (X)
    No, she cannot sing Pat's song.
  • Can he sing Anna's song? (O)
    Yes, he can sing Anna's song.
  • Can he sing Anna's song? (X)
    No, he can't sing Anna's song.
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (Kim) ('s') (n) (?).
    Can she ride Kim's bicycle?
  • Can he drink Sam's juice? (X)
    No, he cannot drink Sam's juice.
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (May) ('s') book (?)
    Can she tick May's book?
  • Can it play Tony's Piano? (O)
    No, it cannot play Tony's piano.
  • Can I draw Dan's mom? (X)
    No, you cannot draw Dan's mom.
  • Can it run to Alex's home? (X)
    No, it cannot run to Alex's home.
  • Can he find Dan's car? (O)
    Yes, he can find Dan's car.
  • Can she tick May's book? (O)
    Yes, she can tick May's book.
  • Can he open Dan's door? (O)
    Yes, he can open Dan's door.
  • Can he cook Bill's food? (X)
    No, he cannot cook Bill's food.
  • Can she eat Tony's ice cream? (O)
    Yes, she can eat Tony's ice cream.
  • Can they eat Sam's cake? (X)
    No, they cannot eat Sam's cake.
  • Cat he eat the cat's food? (O)
    Yes, he can eat the cat's food.
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) (Sam) ('s') (n) (?).
    Can he eat Sam's food?
  • Can she find Alex's pen? (O)
    Yes, she can find Alex's pen.
  • Can it read May's book?(X)
    No, it cannot read May's book.
  • Can (pron-subj) (find) (Dan) ('s') (n) (?).
    Can they find Dan's car?
  • Can (pron-subj) (v) Tony ('s') (n) (?).
    Can he play Tony's piano?
  • Can she hold Alex's hand? (O)
    Yes, she can hold Alex's hand.
  • Can they ride Kim's bicycle? (O)
    Yes, they can ride Kim's bicycle.