
A&P Oral Questions - General Part 1

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  • Explain Kirchoff's Law.
  • What is the difference between permanent and temporary magnets when the external magnetizing force is removed?
    Permanent magnets retain their magnetism. Temporary magnets rapidly lose magnetism.
  • How do you express Ohm's Law as an equation?
  • What's the function of a capacitor in an AC (alternating current) circuit?
    To store eletricity.
  • Describe magnetism.
    An objects property which attracts metallic substances.
  • How is inductance represented in an AC circuit?
    By a coil.
  • One Kilowatt is equal to how many watts?
    1000 watts
  • What Law is relevant when it comes to voltage?
    Kirchoff ́s law.
  • You must apply a correction to the specific gravity that varies between what two values?
    When the temperature is less than 70°F or more than 90°F.
  • Three types of D.C. Electrical circuits:
    Series, Parallel and Series/Parallel. (complex)
  • What are some common methods electrical energy can be produced?
    Pressure (PIEZOELECTRIC MATERIALS), Chemical (BATTERY), Thermal (THERMOCOUPLES), Sun Light.
  • How much voltage do most aircraft systems require for special equipment?
    Most 24 volts, needs 400Hertz AC current.
  • What are the basic elements of Ohm’s law?
    Voltage, Resistance , Current.
  • What change occurs in a D.C. (direct current) circuit when applied voltage is increased & resistance remains constant?
    Current increases.
  • What is a common cause of damage to solid-state components and/or integrated circuits?
    Electro-Static discharge (ESD) from the human body during handling.
  • Describe inductance.
    Inducted voltage which opposite in direction to the applied voltage.
  • How is capacitance represented in an AC circuit?
    By a Capacitor.
  • What law governs the basic study of electricity?
    Ohm’s law.
  • What types of circuits do A&Ps encounter on an aircraft?
    A combination circuit, series-parallel.
  • Scientifically, power is measured in:
  • Compare AC & DC circuits in aircraft.
    DC flows constantly in 1 direction. AC can change direction at/during regular intervals, is lighter and its voltage can be stepped up/down ( with transformer).
  • What makes up an electrical circuit?
    A source of electrical energy, a resistance(load) and conductors (wires).