
Multiple Meaning Words in Context

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  • Mom said I had to rest for 30 minutes
    lie down; be calm; sleep
  • I had to get a cast on my arm
    part of your body
  • The military was armed for the battle
    ready for battle; to have firearms
  • The crew kept the grounds looking magnificent by mowing weekly and keeping all of the shrubs trimmed.
    surface or area around a house or building
  • The city council will act on the road proposal at their next meeting
    make a decision
  • The judge presides over court.
    judicial proceedings
  • Denise fell off her float and went under water
    device to lay on in water
  • All the bulbs in the house had to be replaced
  • The swallow loved perching on the deck.
    type of bird
  • Everyone has to wear a mask to school.
    facial covering; especially for mouth and nose
  • Throw the ball to first base to get the batter out.
    sports equipment
  • Mom bought me a new dress to wear to the ball.
    like a prom or formal dance
  • I made 20 bucks for raking the yard.
  • The ugly brick on the house was masked by the shrubs.
    covered up; concealed; blocked
  • We were not able to reserve the court for our game.
    A place for sports to be played i.e. basketball, tennis
  • The canoe was able to float down the river.
    stay above water; on top of the water
  • Please back the car out of the driveway.
    To move out of
  • Shawn was not in the play until act 2.
    parts of a play
  • Tina always wanted to arrive at her wedding in a coach.
    large usually closed 4-wheeled horse-drawn carriage
  • The initial scene of the movie had me hooked.
  • We planted the bulbs in the fall.
  • Please put your initials on all of your belongings.
    first letter of each word in your name.
  • My back got sunburned
    part of your body
  • The buck stuck his head out from behind the tree.
    large, male deer
  • The speaker will talk about the Navajo Indians.
    person presenting information to a group.
  • The grounds for his argument were not shared by the entire committee.
    basis or belief
  • The coach was very excited when they intercepted the football.
    person in charge of a team; one who instructs or trains
  • Be sure to swallow before you take another bite of food.
    to take into the stomach
  • The speaker was turned up too loud.
    equipment to play music
  • He ate the rest of the pizza.
    what was remaining