
Figurative Language. -That's not what I meant!

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  • Bite the bullet
    Accepting a challenging thing
    Shooting with a bullet
  • It takes two to tango.
    You need two people to dance well.
    One person isn't the only one at fault.
  • Come rain or shine.
    Today will rain and have sunshine.
    No matter what.
  • Pulling my leg
    Dragging me by leg
    Making fun of someone
  • Pull yourself together
    Get yourself ready
    Calm down
  • I'm upset about Roy. He always ____ me.
  • A penny for your thoughts.
    Tell me what your thinking.
    Tell me what your thinking for money.
  • Break a leg
    Good morning
    Good luck
  • I see you often have your head in the clouds.
    You look at the clouds in class.
    You don't focus in class.
  • As right as rain
    Rain is always right.
    Completely fine.
  • Go down in flames
    To fail terribly
    House is burning down
  • Unscramble: argument / I'm / had. / we / upset / about / an
    I'm upset about an argument we had.
  • Through thick and thin.
    Being by your side if you are bigger or smaller.
    Being by your side no matter what.
  • Unscramble: upset / I'm / about / group. / my / science
    I'm upset about my science group.
  • Unscramble: upset / I'm / about / brother. / my
    I'm upset about my brother.
  • The ball is in your court.
    It's your turn to decide.
    The ball is on your side.
  • Hit the sack
    go to bed
    throw in a bag
  • Once in a blue moon.
    Full moon is out.
    Something happening rarely.
  • See eye to eye.
    To make eye contact
    To agree
  • off the hook
    letting go
    not letting go
  • Spill the beans
    Dropping food.
    To tell the secret.
  • She kept _____ me off in the middle of my sentences, so I got mad.
  • Ignorance is bliss.
    It is better to not know.
    If you ignore things your will be at peace.
  • Miss the boat
    miss the bus
    too late
  • I want to go on a trip and just let my hair down.
    I want to change my hair style.
    I want to go somewhere and feel free.
  • Better late than never.
    Better late than early.
    Better done than not.
  • It's the best thing since sliced bread.
    It's better than bread.
    It's really good.
  • Raining cats and dogs
    Heavy rain
    Heavy man
  • Actually, I got cold feet, Mina.
    I got scared, so I didn't dive.
    I got cold, so I didn't dive.
  • Unscramble: upset / I'm / Roy. / about
    I'm upset about Roy.
  • Sat on the fence.
    To sit on the fence.
    To be undecided.
  • Flogging a dead horse.
    waisting your time
    waisting animal life
  • Cool as a cucumber.
    Cold like vegetables in fridge.
    Calm under pressure.
  • A dime a dozen
    Easy way to make money
    Anything that is common
  • Unscramble: upset / I'm / dog. / my / about
    I'm upset about my dog.
  • Take it with a pinch of salt.
    Don't take it seriously.
    Add salt to the recipe.
  • Don't let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party!
    Keep her present in a bag.
    Keep her party a secret.
  • Beat around the bush
    Avoiding saying what you mean.
    Beating friends up outside.
  • Under the weather.
    Feeling sick
    Raining outside