
Likes and Dislikes

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  • Give me an example using "doesn´t"
  • How do you say "Ella odia las zanahorias"?
    She hates the carrots
  • How do you say "Kevin odia tomar café en las mañanas"?
    Kevin hates to drink coffee in the morning
  • Give me an example using the word "cinnamon role"
  • Order the words. not, Paul, apples, like, does.
    Paul doesn´t like apples
  • Is it correct? I loves to drink water
    I love to drink water
  • Give an example using the word "love"
  • Is it correct? He hate the chocolate
    He hates the chocolate
  • Give me an example using the word "hates"
  • How do you say "Odio comer vegetales"?
    I hate to eat vegetables
  • Give an example using the word "likes"
  • Give me an example using the word "cauliflower"
  • Do you like pizza?
    Yes, I like pizza. No, I don´t like pizza