
History of Halloween

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  • The ancient Celts made lanterns out of...
    potatoes and turnips.
  • True or false: in the USA, people buy half of the sweets for the whole year for Halloween.
    False (it's a quarter).
  • What is "trick-or-treating"?
    You wear a costume and go around your neighbourhood asking for sweets.
  • Where did the first Halloween traditions begin?
  • The ancient Celts believed that ... returned to Earth at "Samhain".
  • What is the most traditional costume for Day of the Dead?
    A skeleton.
  • True of false: in the USA, all Halloween costumes are scary.
  • For the ancient Celts, the Samhain marked...
    the end of summer.
  • In which country is Day of the Dead celebrated?
  • The Celts made laterns to...
    scare ghosts and make them do away.
  • In early America, at this time of year, Native Americans celebrated...
    the harvest.
  • When does Halloween take place?
    On 31st of October