
Narrative Tenses

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  • I left the house, .............. (go) to the shops and bought some eggs.
  • Mary got home, she.............................(take off) her heels.
    took off
  • Chris cleaned the carpet because his friend ............................ (spill) coffee on it the night before.
    had spilled/had spilt
  • ........................ (you, sleep) when I ................... (get) home?
    Were you sleeping, got
  • I .................................. (chat) with my neighbour when the car accident happened in front of us.
    was chatting
  • Sarah asked me to share the coursebook because she .......................... (forget) hers.
    had forgotten
  • When I arrived at the cinema, the film ............................ (already, start).
    had already started
  • I .................................. (not/buy) the dress because I hadn't brought enough money
    didn't buy
  • .......................... (have) a shower when the doorbell .................... (ring)
    was having, rang
  • When I got up this morning, it ............................... (rain) very hard.
    was raining
  • When we arrived at the station, we found out that the train .................................. (already/leave)
    had already left
  • I got a phone call from my mum and then I ............... (leave) home to visit my grandma.
  • Sam........................ (be) broke because he ............................................. (just / buy) a car.
    was, had just bought