
A1 - Yes/No questions with 'be'.

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  • I / a doctor?
    Am I a doctor? No, you're not. You're a teacher.
  • The cat / Black?
    Is the cat black? / No, it isn't. It's orange.
  • This woman / Sad?
    Is this woman sad? / Yes, she is.
  • He / Young?
    Is he young? / Yes, he is.
  • The dog / Big?
    Is the dog big? / Yes, it is.
  • We / In a French lesson?
    Are we in a French lesson? / No, we aren't. We're in an English lesson.
  • She / A waitress?
    Is she a waitress? / No, she isn't. She's a chef.
  • She / Old?
    Is she old? / No, she isn't. She's young
  • The girl / blonde?
    Is the girl blonde? / Yes, she is.
  • You / China?
    Are you from China?
  • The baby / cute?
    Is the baby cute? / Yes, he is OR Yes, she is.
  • You / Spain?
    Are you from Spain?
  • The boy/ Happy?
    Is the boy happy? / Yes, he is.
  • He / A tennis player?
    Is he a tennis player? / No, he isn't. He's a football player.
  • The house / Small?
    Is the house small? / No, it isn't. It's very big.
  • Your mother / Beautiful?
    Is your mother beautiful? / Yes, she is.
  • You / A man?
    Are you a man?
  • This man / Fat?
    Is this man fat? / No, he isn't. He's slim.
  • Elephants / Blue?
    Are elephants blue? / No, they aren't. They're grey.
  • They / Teachers?
    Are they teachers? / No, they aren't. They're doctors.