
A world of gadgets 2

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  • Say the correct answer
    She lives in Florida
  • Say the correct answer
    Do you like chocolate milk?
  • Say the correct answer
    We fly to Spain every summer
  • Say the correct answer
    D) It doesn't usually rain on Sundays
  • Make a question: they / to clean / the bathroom
    Do they clean the bathroom?
  • Make a question: Billy / to work / in the supermarket
    Does Billy work in the supermarket?
  • Say the correct answer
    My best friend writes to me every week
  • Say the correct answer
    C) Pete and his Sister don't usually wash the family car
  • Does he like doing sport?
    Yes, he does
  • Say the correct answer
    A) Emilly usually goes to the cinema
  • Say the correct answer
    C) I sometimes read
  • Say the correct answer
    He does not want to go to the movies
  • How old is he?
    He is 13
  • How many good friends has he got?
    He has got four good friends
  • Make a question: you / to speak / English
    Do you speak English?
  • Say the correct answer
    I work in a bank
  • Does he like athletics?
    No, he doesn't