
Grade 3 Science, Forces

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  • Please give an example of tension force.
    A string pulled tight can pull another object.
  • Please give an example of spring force.
    A bouncing ball; a spring in a pinball machine; a rubber band springing back.
  • Gravity pulls you to the ground with a lot of force. That also means...
    you are pulling it to you. (two objects with mass move towards eachother)
  • Name two kinds of non-contact force.
    gravity, magnetic, electricity (static electricity), buoyancy
  • A scale measures what? (mass, volume, density)
  • Gravity is pulling the balloon down AND a tiny little mouse is pulling the balloon down by a string BUT air friction is pulling the balloon up AND flying butterflies are pushing the balloon up. What are all those forces called toegether?
    net force
  • An object in motion tends to...
    stay in motion (keep going, etc)
  • You and your dog are both pulling at a toy. The dog is winning. This is an example of ____ forces
    unbalanced forces.
  • Please give an example of friction.
    Rubbing our hands together; using brakes on your bike...or even the contact between the wheels and the ground (etc.)
  • Balanced forces on an object means that, for example, gravity is pulling something down with 25kg of force, and the floor is pushing up with...
    25kg of force
  • What does the word "contact" from "contact force" mean?
    touch; when two or more objects touch
  • If an object is moving left and its slowing down, it's because of friction. What is friction doing? (pushing the object left; pushing the object right; pulling the object left; pulling the object right)
    It's pulling the object right.
  • Which type of force happens when an object is pulled OUT of shape?
  • Which type of force occurs when something is pulling itself back INTO shape?
    spring force
  • Name two kinds of contact forces.
    Tension, Friction, and Spring Force (possibly "object" force)
  • What kind of force only works with metals that have iron?
    magnetic force (or, magnet)
  • Because of gravity, the moon is pulled towards the earth, and the earth is...
    pulled towards the moon (or, towards the sun)
  • What type of force occurs between a bike's wheel and ground? (besides gravity)
  • An object at rest (stopped) tends to ...
    stay at rest (stay stopped, etc.)