
Plants and seeds

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  • Which part of a seed grow upward during germination?
  • I am part of the seed. My job is to protect the seed. What am I?
    Seed coat
  • What is the function of side roots?
    to make the whole plant firm
  • Seeds will not germinate without air, warmth and ______.
  • What is the name of the process the green plants make their food?
  • I am part of the plant. I live the fruit. What am I?
  • I am part of the seed. My job is to grow into a new plant. What am I?
  • I am part of the seed. My job is to provide food for the embryo. What am I?
    Food store
  • I am a seed. After I have drunk much water, what have I become?
    I swell (get bigger)
  • Plants need _______ to make their food.
    light energy (sunlight)
  • What is the right condition for the seeds to germinate?
    A condition in which a seed get enough water, air and warmth
  • What is the factor seeds don't need to germinate but plants need to grow?
    Light energy (sunlight)
  • During germination, which part of the seed starts to grow?
  • What is the name of the process the seeds begin to grow?
  • I am part of the seed. My function is to join with the fruit. What am I?