
Review of new places in a city, there is/ are an ...

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  • What's the name of this means of transportation?
  • What's the name of this place in a city?
  • What's the name of this place in a city?
    Police station
  • What's the name of this place in a city?
    Fire station
  • What's the name of this place in a city?
    Amusement Park
  • What are the means of transportation that can be used with the verb TAKE?
    Take a bus / Take a taxi / Take a subway / Take a train
  • What's the name of this place in a city?
    Barber shop
  • What's the name of this means of transportation?
  • What's the name of this means of transportation?
  • What's the name of this place in a city?
    City square
  • What's the name of this means of transportation?
  • What's the name of this place in a city?
    Coffee shop
  • What's the name of this place in a city?
    Subway/metro station
  • What's the name of this means of transportation?
  • What's the name of this means of transportation?
  • What's the name of this means of transportation?
  • What's the name of this place in a city?
    Hair salon
  • Make a question using the words and answer it: ARE / STATIONS / IN SOBRADINHO / SUBWAY / THERE
    Are there subway stations in Sobradinho? No, there aren't.
  • What's the name of this place in a city?
  • Make a question using the words and answer it: THERE / STATION / IS / IN SOBRADINHO / A FIRE
    Is there a fire station in Sobradinho? Yes, there is.
  • What are the means of transportation that can be used with the verb RIDE?
    Ride a bicycle / ride a motorcycle
  • What's the name of this place in a city?
    Car wash