
Elapsed Time, Calendar, and time line review

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  • How many days are there in March?
    31 days
  • What day of the week is March 14?
  • How many half hours are in 90 minutes?
  • How much time has passed? Begin: 5:00 End: 8:30
    3 hours and 30 min
  • What is the date of the last day in March?
    March 31st
  • At 30 minutes past the hour, the minute hand will be on ______.
  • What happened between September and November?
    Sleepover at Sal’s
  • Jacob began walking home from school at 2:25. He arrives at his house at 3:10. How long did it take him to walk home?
    45 minutes
  • What is another way of writing "quarter to 8 in the evening?
    7:45 p.m.
  • In which month did Andy’s family celebrate a birthday?
  • 4 half hours =__________ hours
    2 hours
  • Jessica went to the movies with her friend. She left her house at 6:05 pm and arrived at the movies at 7:20. How much time has passed?
    1 hour 15 min
  • What is another way to read 6:45 p.m.?
    quarter til 7 on the evening
  • WHat time is shown on the clock?
  • How many Wednesdays are there in March?