
Gold B2 - U6 Grammar (the Passive)

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  • The Browns have built the large house.
    The large house has been built by the Browns.
  • She watered the flowers every day
    The flowers were watered every day.
  • Can you learn French easily?
    Can French be learned easily?
  • You shouldn’t speak to your neighbor.
    Your neighbor shouldn’t be spoken to.
  • The professor told him not to talk in class.
    He was told not to talk in class by the professor
  • Jane is singing the new song.
    The new song is being sung by Jane.
  • James will repair the car.
    The car will be repaired by James.
  • The headmaster called his parents to the office.
    His parents were called to the office by the headmaster.
  • Ben will direct the show.
    The show will be directed by Ben.
  • A jellyfish stung her while she was swimming.
    She was stung by a jellyfish while she was swimming.
  • You must pay the bill first.
    The bill must be paid first.
  • Do not leave your bicycle in the hall.
    Bicycles must not be left in the hall.
  • I will present my ideas at the conference tonight.
    My ideas will be presented at the conference tonight.
  • People spent a lot of Monday on the first shopping Saturday.
    A lot of money was spent on the first shopping Saturday.
  • They gave her a nice present.
    She was given a nice present.
  • She would have told you.
    You would have been told.
  • They forced him to steal the money out of his dad’s room
    He was forced to steal the money out of his dad’s room.
  • Your impolite tone surprises me.
    I am surprised by your impolite tone.
  • They were interviewing her for the job
    She was being interviewed for the job.
  • The dog has broken the window pane.
    The window pane has been broken by the dog.
  • How do you write that word?
    How is that word written?
  • Why are they tearing down the old theatre?
    Why is the old theatre being torn down?
  • The storm destroyed the house.
    The house was destroyed by the storm.
  • Our neighbors have invited us to dinner.
    We have been invited to dinner.
  • An unknown author wrote the book.
    The book was written by an unknown author.