
Team Teaching Form 6

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  • How do you call an earthquake with an epicenter in the ocean?
    A tsunami
  • What was the 'Pangea'?
    A supercontinent
  • What type of boundry is this?
  • Do you remember the names of the boundaries of the plate tectonics in English?
    Divergent, Convergent and Transformative
  • In what year did he publish his book "La génesis de los continentes y océanos"?
    In 1915
  • There are two types of plate tectonics. Do you remember their names?
    Prinicpales and secundarias
  • What is the name of this area? Hint: It is one of the regions with most earthquakes and volcanoes
    Ring of Fire (Anillo de Fuego)
  • How many minutes apart do tsunami waves hit the earth?
    15 to 20 minutes
  • Where was Alfred Wegener from?
  • What was the name of his theory? (Wegener's)
    Continental Drift
  • What type of boundry is this?
  • Do you remember the names of the scales used to measure earthquakes?
    Ricther and Mercali
  • What type of boundry is this?
  • What was the magnitud of the 1960's Valdivia earthquake?
    9.5 in the Richter scale
  • What type of natural disasters happen in the Ring of Fire?
    Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis
  • How tall can tsunami waves be?
    30 meters or taller
  • The most important earthquake ever registered happened in ...
    Valdivia, Chile
  • Wegener used fossils as evidence of Pangea. What other evidence did he use to prove his theory?
    The weather
  • Do you think other scientist agreed with Wegener's theory?
  • How many scales are used to measure earthquakes?
  • Where did Mesosaurous live?
    Parts of Africa and South America
  • What explains the movement of continents?
    Tectonic Plates
  • WHO was the first person to mention that continents moved? (Spell Name)
    Alfred Wegener