
Invertebrates: Arthropods and Molluscs

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  • Have invertebrates got a backbone?
    No, they haven't.
  • TRUE or FALSE: Most athropods have got 4 or more legs.
    FALSE: Arthropods have got 6, 8, 10, or more legs.
  • Do most arthropods live on land or in water?
    Most arthropods live on land.
  • TRUE or FALSE: Some molluscus have got a shell and some have got tentacles.
    TRUE: snails, clams, and nautiluses have got shells. Squids, octopuses, nautiluses, and cuttle fish have got tentacles.
  • What are two groups of invertebrates?
    Molluscs and arthropods
  • Have most arthropods got soft bodies or hard bodies?
    Most have got hard bodies.
  • Are arthropods vertebrates or invertebrates?
    They are invertebrates.
  • Have most molluscs got soft bodies or hard bodies?
    Most molluscs have got soft bodies.
  • Are molluscs vertebrates or invertebrates?
    They are invertebrates.
  • Is a bee an arthropod or a mollusc?
    It's an arthropod.
  • What are these called?
  • Do most molluscs live on land or in water?
    Most molluscs live in water.
  • What are these called?
  • Is a snail an arthropod or a mollusc?
    It's a mollusc.
  • Is a butterfly an arthropod or a mollusc?
    It's an arthropod.
  • Is an octopus and arthropod or a mollusc?
    It's an mollusc.