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  • Which three sports are for teams of more than four?
    ice hockey, volleyball, rugby
  • In which four sports is there a net?
    ice hockey, table tennis, tennis, volleyball
  • Which five sports do you do on or in water or ice?
    ice hockey, ice skating, surfing, swimming, windsurfing
  • What 5 sports can you do on your own?
  • What sports do people do in IAAF World Championships competition? Athletics or boxing?
  • Which sport is not in the Olympic Games? d a cycling b table tennis c ice hockey d squash
    d squash
  • In which two sports do you use a racket?
    squach, tennis
  • What sports do people do in Wimbledon competition? Tennis or gymnastics?
  • Which 3 sports are for 2 or 4 players?
    boxing, squash, table tennis
  • What sports do people do in Tour de France competition? Cycling or gymnastics?