
How often...?

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  • Q: Aaron / go to the movies? A: Twice a month
    How often does Aaron go to the movies?
  • Q: John / watch TV? A: Every evening.
    How often does John watch TV?
  • Q: Your father / make dinner? A: On Sundays
    How often does your father make dinner?
  • Q: You / brush your teeth? A: 3 times a day
    How otfen do you brush your teeth?
  • Q: She / exercise? A: 3 times a week
    How often does she exercise?
  • Free question
  • Q: She / wash the dishes? A: Twice a week
    How often does she wash the dishes?
  • Free question
  • Q: You / listen to music? A: Every day
    How often do you listen to music?
  • Q: You / take a shower? A: 5 times a week
    How often do you take a shower?
  • Q: You / take out the garbage? A: On Fridays
    How often do you take out the garbage?
  • Q: Clara / study English? A: Once a week
    How often does Clara study English?
  • Q: You / clean your house? A: Every day
    How often do you clean your house?
  • Q:Your mom / go shopping? A: Every Saturday
    How often does your mom go shopping?
  • Free question
  • Q: Mary / take a walk? A: 4 times a month
    How often does Mary take a walk?