
Definite and Indefinite Articles

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  • There is going to be ____ fog and ____ bad weather for most of next week.
    There is going to be ------- fog and ----- bad weather for most of next week.
  • When I drive to ___ work, usually ____ highways are really busy. If there's ____ accident during ____ rush hour, it can be ____ chaos on the roads.
    When I drive to --- work, usually THE highways are really busy. If there's AN accident during --- rush hour, it can be ----- chaos on the roads.
  • After ____ dinner, I usually wash ____ dishes. My wife hates doing it. I waste a lot of _____ water when I do it. That's bad for ____ environment, I think.
    After ---- dinner, I usually wash THE dishes. My wife hates doing it. I waste a lot of ----- water when I do it. That's bad for THE environment, I think.
  • ____ stress can make ____ life unpleasant. In ____ day, I work at ____ office. ____ people I work with are busy, and ____ work we do isn't easy.
    ----- stress can make ------ life unpleasant. In THE day, I work at AN office. THE people I work with are busy, and THE work we do isn't easy.
  • If I get hired, I could meet him after ____ work for drinks. That would be great. He's from ____ Scotland. He works 8 hours ____ day, 5 days _____ week.
    If I get hired, I could meet him after ---- work for drinks. That would be great. He's from ----- Scotland. He works 8 hours A day, 5 days A week.
  • We took ____ trip around London and stopped at ____ Westminster Abbey.
    We took A trip around London and stopped at ----- Westminster Abbey.
  • We spent a wonderful evening having ___ drinks at one of ____ best pubs in ____ neighborhood.
    We spent a wonderful evening having ---- drinks at one of THE best pubs in THE neighborhood.
  • I don't watch ___ TV. I get ___ information and ____ news, etc., from ___ Internet. I don't often ___ go to ____ cinema, either.
    I don't watch ----- TV. I get ---- information and ----- news, etc., from THE Internet. I don't often go to THE cinema, either.
  • ___ Danube River flows right through ___ center of ____ city.
    THE Danube River flows right through THE center of THE city.
  • He told me that he once met ____ alien from ____ space. This alien didn't need ____ oxygen to live; it didn't have ____ nose. That's _____ hard story to believe. I'm not sure he was telling me ____ truth.
    He told me that he once met AN alien from ------ space. This alien didn't need ------ oxygen to live; it didn't have A nose. That's A hard story to believe..
  • I'm interested in ___ finance. I heard____ Euro is losing value, compared to ___ US dollar.
    I'm interested in ------ finance. I heard THE Euro is losing value, compared to THE US dollar.
  • I have ___ uncle who lives in ___ home for ____ elderly. He is ___ honest man. He used to be ___ FBI agent. He once saved ____ one-year-old boy from _____ fire. He has many interesting stories.
    I have AN uncle who lives in A home for THE elderly. He is AN honest man. He used to be AN FBI agent. He once saved A one-year-old boy from A fire....
  • ___ Inflation has increased for ___ third time in ___ row.
    ---- Inflation has increased for THE third time in A row.
  • At ___ moment, the club is steering towards ____ uncertain future.
    At THE moment, the club is steering towards AN uncertain future.
  • I like Japan. ___ Crime is infrequent there. When I fly to Japan, I usually fly to ___ Narita Airport. The last time I was in Japan, I climbed ___ Mount Fuji. It was fun.
    I like Japan. ----- Crime is infrequent there. When I fly to Japan, I usually fly to ----Narita Airport. The last time I was in Japan, I climbed ----- Mount..
  • Have you got ___ latest album by ___ Rolling Stones?
    Have you got THE latest album by THE Rolling Stones?
  • I am tall. ____ Japanese are generally shorter than I am.
    I am tall. THE Japanese are generally shorter than I am.
  • Jack doesn't like ___ bread from ____ local bakery.
    Jack doesn't like THE bread from THE local bakery.
  • I plan to be ___ candidate for ____ Parliament at ____ next election.
    I plan to be A candidate for ----- Parliament at THE next election.
  • ____ most of the main roads in ____ country were built ____ long time ago.
    ----- most of the main roads in THE country were built A long time ago.
  • When we looked out of ____ window we saw the mountains covered with ____ snow.
    When we looked out of THE window we saw the mountains covered with ------- snow.