
Months of the Year and Days of the Week

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  • Name two months that have 31 days
    January, March, May, July, August, October, December.
  • Which day comes after Monday?
    It is Tuesday
  • Name the months that start with vowels
    April, August and October
  • What month is Independence day for the US?
    It is in July
  • What is the the name of the first month of the year?
    It is January
  • When is Christmas celebrated?
    It's on December
  • Which day was it yesterday?
    It's ____
  • How many days does a week have?
    There are 7 days
  • Name two months that have 30 days
    September, April, June and November.
  • How many weeks does February have?
    There are 4 weeks
  • How many months are there in one year?
    There are 12 months
  • What is the name of the last month in a year?
    It's December
  • Which day comes before Friday?
    It's Thursday
  • Which day will it be tomorrow?
    It's ____
  • Name the months that start with the letter "J"
    January, June and July