
Tobacco and its Harmful Effects

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  • What are the 4 stages that leads to Drug Abuse?
    experimental use, occasional use, regular basis, drug abuse
  • The bodies need for larger and larger amounts of the drug to feel the same effect.
  • List 4 types of Tobacco
    Cigarettes, Vaporizers and E-Cigarettes, Cigars and pipes
  • The mental or physical need for a drug or other substance.
  • Why is it so difficult to quit using tobacco products?
    Tobacco products contain nicotine, which is very addictive
  • Bronchitis is the inflammation of which of the following organs
    A. Esophagus B. Tonsils C. Appendix D.Bronchi
  • When the tiny air sacs and the walls of the lung are destroyed. This Condition is called
  • The mental or physical need for a drug or other substance is called
  • List 3 Body system that can be affected by the use of tobacco
    Respiratory system, Digestive system, Nervous system ,Circulatory (cardiovascular) system,Excretory system
  • What is Nicotine?
    addictive drug found in tobacco.
  • List 3 Health Hazard of smoking
    Emphysema, Bronchitis, cancer
  • Give 4 reasons why teens smoke
    Peer pressure, Adult or celebrity influence, ads, prevents bad habits
  • True/False Nicotine decreases heart rate and increases the chances of having a heart attack.
  • Benefits of quitting smoking
    reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke,cancer ,enjoy better health, save money,More energy/endurance for activities
  • How can tobacco affect the body?
    Causing premature aging. Slowing normal lung growth in adolescents Increasing risk of heart attack and stroke Reducing the oxygen supply to brain. Cancerous tum
  • _________is the thick dark liquid that forms when tobacco burns
  • True or False : Hookah is not a safer alternative to cigarettes and has many of the same risks
  • -addiction in which the body develops a chemical need for the drug.
    Physical dependence
  • Withdrawal Symptoms
    Pain in muscles, Pain in bones, Sleeplessness, Diarrhea Agitation Vomiting
  • addiction in which a person believes he/she needs the drug to function normally.
    Psychological dependence-
  • The organs responsible for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange?
  • __________is the colorless, odorless, poisonous gas produced when tobacco burns
    Carbon Monoxide
  • Which advertising techniques have been used by tobacco companies?
    Using celebrities, cartoons, children and sexist marketing
  • Using drugs in an uncontrolled and excessive way is considered as
    Drug Abuse
  • What are some Health effects of second hand smoking?
    Has the same effects as a Smoker- Lung cancer, Emphysema, Bronchitis, Stroke
  • Symptoms that occur after chronic use of a drug is reduced or stopped
    withdrawal symptoms