
Past simple and past continuous - irregular verb ...

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  • The past tense of "learn" is both "learnt" and "learned". TRUE or FALSE?
    TRUE! In the UK we usually say "learnt" and the US says "learned". Either are fine 😊
  • The past tense of 'cut' is 'cut'. TRUE OR FALSE?
    TRUE! e.g. "I cut hair" (infinitive) & "I cut my hair yesterday" (past simple)
  • My dog ate my homework. But she cuddled up to me after, so I _______ (forgive) her.
  • I am so tired. I barely ____ (sleep) last night.
  • Which tense would I use to describe a completed action, that happened at a specific point in time?
    Past simple - "I worked yesterday"
  • RIDDLE: What past tense word can be used to describe the kick of a football and a photograph
    SHOT - the past tense of "shoot". The verb - "Ronaldo shot the ball in the goal" The noun - "We got a group shot of all the family"
  • Which sentence structure is correct? "A ) Yesterday I was washing my hair when the water ran out" or "B) Yesterday I washed my hair and the water ran out"
    A! As this is describing a past action which was ongoing until another action interrupted it, we use past continuous
  • RIDDLE: What word is a direction, but can also be used in the sentence "The train departed"
    LEFT - the past tense of "leave"
  • What is the past tense of "swim"?
  • What tense is this? "I was keeping the rest of my chocolate bar for later"
    Past continuous
  • Which tense would I use if I wanted to describe an ongoing action in the past?
    Past continuous
  • This huge bird just ____ (fly) straight past me
  • When the caterpillar came out of its' cocoon, it _______ a butterfly
  • Can you correct the mistake? "For the sleepover I brung sweets for everyone"
  • What is the past tense of "drink"?
  • Can you correct the mistake? "I woken up at 7am this morning"
  • The past tense of "ride" is "ride". TRUE or FALSE?
    FALSE! The past tense of "ride" is "rode"
  • What is the past tense of "split"?
  • Which sentence structure is correct? "A) I worked late last night when by boss walked into the office" "B) I was working late last night when my boss walked into the office""
    B! We use past continuous to describe an ongoing past action before another one, in this case, until it turned 8pm.
  • What is the past tense of "mean"?
  • Choose from option 1 to 4, which word completes this sentence: "I could barely hear the movie, but I _____ the main storyline" 1) UNDERSTAND 2) UNDERSTOOD 3) UNDERSTANDED 4) WAS UNDERSTANDING
    2) Understood
  • I was ______ (drive) home when I realised I forgot my keys at school
  • Complete the missing letters: "Last week I dr_w a picture of a tree and g_ve it to my mum. She thr_w it away, which upset me so I wr_te in my diary"
    e - a - e - o
  • Last night my friend ____ to my house for dinner.
  • Today my teacher _____ (teach) me how to play guitar
  • Past continuous uses the present participle. TRUE or FALSE
    TRUE (the words ending in "ing")