
Social Communication

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  • If I need time to think about an answer, what should I do?
    Say, "I'm thinking" or "I need a second"
  • When I meet someone new what should I do?
    I should tell them my name and ask them their name. TRY IT
  • When you are going out for recess all the kids walk in line. Expected or unexpected
  • When someone is speaking I should listen with my eyes. True or False
  • If a teacher asks a question and someone yells the answer. Is that expected or unexpected?
  • When a friend is talking we talk too. Expected or Unexpected?
  • What does it mean to stay still?
    It means your body is still and facing toward the speaker. SHOW US
  • Name something you can say instead of "I don't know"
    Let me think, I'm not sure, Can you help?
  • When my friend says "Hi" I should....
    Look at him and say "Hi" back.
  • What is my space bubble?
    The space around me that no one should enter.
  • If a student is getting out of line at recess, I should tell them to get back. True or False?
    False, It's the teacher's job.
  • It is expected that I stay still while my friend is thinking of an answer. True or False?
  • There are three things you have to do when listening. What are they?
    Look, Stay Still and Think
  • Free Points
    5 free points!
  • Free points
    5 free points
  • It is ok to touch another person without their permission. True or False?
    False. We shouldn't touch others or get into their space bubble.