
SOCA1020 Final Revision Quiz

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  • TRUE OR FALSE: ethnographic texts are generally written in past tense.
    False - they are generally written in present tense.
  • What is the difference between an 'emic' and an 'etic' perspective?
    Etic - scientific/outsiders perspective, Emic - local/insiders perspective.
  • What is meant by the idea of 'mind-body dualism' (AKA Cartesian dualism)?
    The idea of the mind and body as completely separate.
  • What is ethnography?
    ulture writing - the anthropological description of peoples and cultures from the perspective of the subject
  • What is 'taboo'?
    Taboo is a ritually sanctioned prohibition against contact with a thing, a person, or an activity
  • What is the three letter word we use to refer to ourselves in a kinship diagram?
  • Name one of the three things that should be included in field notes.
    Reflexive notes, descriptive notes, representations of participants in their own words.
  • True or false - positivism believes in the existence of absolute truth and values logic and empiricism, along with quantitative data.
  • What is kinship through affinity?
    Relation through marriage
  • What is ethnocentrism?
    Cultural/ethnic bias that involves judging another culture based on ones own standards.