
Review Units 0 + 1 - 1st ESO

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  • Translate: There aren't any exams next week.
    No hay ningún exámen la semana que viene.
  • Mario's hair is .........
  • Translate: Él no es mi hermano. Él es mi primo.
    He isn't my brother. He is my cousin.
  • That's Amira's bag. It's on ......... chair.
  • Correct: 'Can your friends speak French? No, he can't.
    No, they can't.
  • Translate: ¿Es amable la nueva profesora?
    Is the new teacher kind?
  • We love pasta. It's ......... favourite food.
    It's our favourite food.
  • Correct: 'He cans run really fast'.
    He can run really fast
  • Choose: There's a / an beach in Valencia.
  • Choose: Sarah and I are / am best friends.
  • Who are those girls? Whar are ......... names?
    What are their names?
  • The parents of my parents are my .........
  • My dad has got a sister. She is my .........
  • There are ......... people in the swimming pool.
  • Translate: Yo no tengo un perro, yo tengo un gato. Su nombre es Black.
    I haven't got a dog, I have got a cat. It's name is Black.
  • You and I are students. ......... are at school.
    We are at school.
  • Choose: Oriol sometimes wears glasses / braces
  • That's Tobby. ......... is my cat.
    It is my cat.
  • My name is Luke. ......... am 15 years old.
    I am 15 years old.
  • Translate: 'Yo puedo tocar el piano, pero no puedo tocar la flauta'
    I can play the piano, but I can't play the flute.
  • Complete with HAVE GOT: ......... Tim and Kate ......... a brother?
    Have Tim and Kate got a brother?
  • Complete: Are you the new student? Yes, .........
    Yes, I am
  • Choose: Mati's hair is curly / straight
  • Translate: Tú eres una persona interesante.
    You are an interesting person.
  • My aunt anduncle have got a son. He is my .........
  • Correct: The brother of my mother is my aunt.
    The brother of my mother is my uncle.
  • That woman is Ms Smith. ......... is my English teacher.
    She is my English teacher.
  • The teacher's hair is .........
  • Complete with 'HAVE GOT': ......... Dan ......... a cat?
    Has Dan got a cat?
  • Hello! ......... name is Julia.
    My name is Julia.
  • Translate: Hay algunos niños en el parque.
    There are some children in the park.
  • Translate: 'Naomi and Kevin can sing really well. They are in a rock band'
    Naomi y Kevin pueden cantar muy bien. Ellos están en una banda de rock.
  • Correct: How old are you? I have 26 years old.
    I am 26 years old.
  • We no can use the mobile phone in class.
    We can't use the mobile phone in class
  • Iker Casillas has got ......... hair
    short / brown
  • The people that live next to my house are my .........
  • ......... a shopping mall in Baytown?
    Is there a shopping mall in Baytown?
    Are there a shopping mall in Baytown?
  • Complete with 'be': They ......... British. They are from Spain.
  • Translate: Is your teacher from Germany?
    ¿Es tu profesora de Alemania?
  • You and Dan are classmates. ......... are in class 4B.
    You are in class 4B.
  • Complete with there is / there are: There ......... good shops in that street.
    There are
  • Complete: Are your friends into music? No, .........
    No, they aren't
  • Complete with the verb 'to be': ......... your friend tall?
  • That boy is in my class. ......... name is Ben.
  • Translate: 'Are there any cars on that street?
    ¿Hay algún coche en esa calle?
  • Correct: Can he play videos games on his computer? Yes, he can play.
    Yes, he can.
  • Correct: There isn't great parks in my village.
    There aren't great parks in my village.
  • Correct: Is there a ice rink in Utiel?
    Is there an ice rink in Utiel?
  • Choose: There aren't any / some beaches in that town.
  • The boyfriend of my mother is my .........
    stepfather / stepdad
  • Complete: Is there a cinema here? No, .........
    No, there isn't