
CNA Kids 3 Review

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  • The bank is ______ the park. (Do outro lado da rua)
    Across from
  • What are these?
    Action figures
  • What is it?
    Take the elevator
  • What are these?
    Plastic fork, plastic spoon and plastic knife
  • How much is 3x15?
    3x15 equals 45
  • How do you say in english: Pegue a escada rolante e vire à esquerda.
    Take the escalator and turn left.
  • The movie theater is ______ the school and the museum. (Entre)
  • What is it?
    It's a tent.
  • What is it?
    It's a gas station
  • What is it?
    It's a bank
  • What is it?
    Take the escalator
  • How do you say in english: Fica entre a loja de brinquedos e o café.
    It's between the toy store and the coffe shop.
  • What shapes are these?
    Circle, square and triangle
  • What is it?
    Turn right
  • Do you have a collection?
    yes, I collect stuffed animals.
  • Complete: __________ to the coffee shop?
    How can I get...
  • How much is 40/2?
    40/2 equals 20.
  • What are these?
  • The supermarket is ______ the subway station. (Em frente)
    In front of
  • Complete: ______ plastic forks are there?
    How many
  • What is it?
    Go straight
  • The bakery is ______ the gas station. (ao lado)
    Next to
  • How much is 80-20?
    80-20 equals 60.
  • Complete: Excuse me, ______ is the parking lot?
  • Complete: __________ to the bakery?
    How can I get...
  • What is it?
    It's a drugstore
  • What is it?
    It's a thermos.
  • What is it?
    It's a pillow.
  • what is it?
    It's a hospital
  • How much is 25+25?
    25+25 equals 50
  • The backpack is ______ the pillow. (Atrás)