
Extra practice: simple past / time expressions

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  • A: Really? So, do you still play? B: Yeah. Actually, I _____(play) in a concert a few months_______. And I ______(give) a concert ____ May, too
    played / ago / gave / in
  • 1. A: Where______you_______(grow up)?
    did / grow up
  • B: Actually, I __________(be born) in Atlanta. I______(go) to school there _______ five or six years.
    was born / went / for
  • B: Yeah. Well I ______(like) it when I was about eleven.
  • 2. A: ______you______(take) any music lessons when you were a kid?
    Did / take
  • I_________(live) there ______1990____1999. But I ________(not / be born) there.
    lived / from / to / wasn't born
  • _______the work_______(get) difficult.
    Then / got
  • She______(be) nice.
  • B: I _________(grow up) in the Boston area.
    grew up
  • B: Yeah, I _______(take) piano lessons_______seven years, ________I was fifteen.
    took / for / until
  • A: Oh, really? Where ______you________(be born)?
    were / born
  • So I _______(have) a tutor_______ I _______(start) middle school.
    had / when / started
  • 3. A: ______you_______(enjoy) school when you were young?
    Did / enjoy