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  • Will always he his remember birthday.
    He will always remember his birthday.
  • Will you when arrive be able to ready?
    Will you be ready when you arrive?
  • I use to play basketball when I was in high school.
    I used to play basketball when I was in high school.
  • Will tomorrow you be attending the meeting?
    Will you be attending the meeting tomorrow?
  • I will not be going to the party tomorrow.
    I won't be going to the party tomorrow.
  • He use to work as a teacher, but now he's a writer.
    He used to work as a teacher, but now he's a writer.
  • We use to eat pizza every Friday night.
    We used to eat pizza every Friday night.
  • She didn't used to live in the city, but now she does.
    She didn't use to live in the city, but now she does.
  • Will she for the job be qualified?
    Will she be qualified for the job?
  • We didn't used to watch TV in the morning, but now we do.
    We didn't use to watch TV in the morning, but now we do.
  • I didn't used to like coffee, but now I love it.
    I didn't use to like coffee, but now I love it.
  • He didn't used to play video games, but now he does all the time.
    He didn't use to play video games, but now he does all the time.
  • Will you not come to the meeting today?
    Won't you come to the meeting today?
  • They will not finish the project on time.
    They won't finish the project on time.
  • She will not be graduating from college next year.
    She won't be graduating from college next year.
  • They use to go to the beach every summer.
    They used to go to the beach every summer.
  • Will be the party at your house?
    Will the party be at your house?
  • He will not be able to attend the concert next week.
    He won't be able to attend the concert next week.
  • She usually watch TV before bed.
    She used to watch TV before bed.
  • They didn't used to have a dog, but now they do.
    They didn't use to have a dog, but now they do.
  • Will finish the project they by Friday.
    They will finish the project by Friday.