
Food Idoms

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  • He wanted to party all night and still wake up early for work, but he couldn't ...
    have his cake and eat it too
  • Instead of rushing into a decision, take a moment to ... and think things through carefully.
    use your noodle
  • When reading that online article, it's a good idea to ..., as the source might not be reliable.
    take the information with a pinch of salt
  • We'll have to ... Angie ... before we tell her the news about the broken vase.
    butter up
  • Even under pressure, she remained ..., never showing a hint of stress.
    cool as a cucumber
  • I thought I was just going to interview the secretary, but they let me talk to the ... himself.
    big cheese
  • I don't want my little brother hanging around with the ... on the street.
    bad eggs
  • ..., the company is facing financial difficulties due to increased competition and rising production costs
    in a nutshell
  • Susan accidentally ... about the surprise party, and now everyone knows.
    spilled the beans
  • The ... from various universities gathered for the prestigious academic competition
    cream of the crop
  • Baby Jessica is the ...
    apple of her father's eye.
  • The romantic movie was so ... that it made everyone in the room roll their eyes.
  • Completing the assignment was ... for her; she finished it in no time
    a piece of cake
  • Solving that complex math problem was a ..., but I eventually figured it out.
    hard nut to crack
  • Just explain the ... of your report. You don't have to go into details.
    bread and butter
  • Action movies are ...; I prefer romantic comedies.
    not my cup of tea
  • Don't ...; accidents happen, and we can always get more.
    cry over spilled milk
  • My husband has had to ... ever since I broke my leg.
    bring home the bacon