
Brainy 6, unit 1

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  • When do you have to feed the dog?
  • dokończ: look after...
  • I (not have to take) the rubbish out.
    don't have to take
  • My dad is a ........... . He helps people with the law.
  • What do lawyers do?
    They help people with the law.
  • What do you have to do tonight?
  • Who says: I have to sit at a desk all day. ?
    an office worker
  • We (not have to walk) the dog.
    don't have to walk
  • Adam (not/have/go) to school on Saturdays.
    doesn't have to go
  • I (hate/wash) the windows!
    hate washing
  • My sister (pracuje na farmie)
    works on a farm
  • dokończ: count...
  • What do cashiers do?
    They give change to customers.
  • My mother _________ (musi) do experiments.
    has to
  • My sister is a police officer. She works at the ...
    police station
  • What do scientists do?
    They do experiments
  • I work for the city. I work in a...
    town hall
  • What do engineers do?
    They build bridges.
  • Who says: 'I work for the city' ?
    a town hall worker
  • Who says: 'I have to sell stamps for letters.' ?
    a post office worker
  • (Czy ty musisz) use a computer in your job?
    Do you have to
  • Who says: 'I put out fires' ?
    a fire fighter
  • I (nie muszę pomagać) at home.
    don't have to help
  • I (not mind/ study) maths.
    don't mind studying
  • My mother ________ (nie musi dawać) change to customers.
    doesn't have to give
  • magazyn
  • My sister (nie musi prasować)
    doesn't have to iron.
  • Mark and Frank (pracują na lotnisku)
    work at the airport
  • szpital
  • We (not / have/ wear) uniforms at school.
    don't have to wear
  • My dad often (have/work) at night.
    has to work
  • My sister is 5, so she (nie musi pomagać) at home
    doesn't have to help
  • Mark and Frank (pracują na lotnisku)
    work at the airport
  • What do managers do?
    They give instructions.
  • My mum (not have to iron) the clothes.
    doesn't have to iron
  • What do farmers do?
    They grow crops and milk cows.
  • Where do you have to go today?
  • What do nurses do?
    They look after patients.
  • Who says: 'I count money' ?
    a bank worker
  • My sister (have to study) for the exams.
    has to study
  • My father _______(nie musi naprawiać) leaks.
    doesn't have to fix
  • (Czy ty musisz) wear a uniform at school?
    Do you have to
  • (Czy on musi) make the beds?
    Does he have to
  • My brother (not have to wear) a uniform at school.
    doesn't have to wear
  • fabryka
  • (Czy ona musi) get up at 7 o'clock?
    Does she have to
  • What do plumbers do?
    They fix leaks.
  • lotnisko