
Common Writing MIstakes

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  • Electric cars move by 100% electricity and don't emit any harmful gases sich as carbon dioxide while driving.
    move should be passive, " are moved by" Who os driving? the cars or people? when being driven
  • For example, earthquakes, tsunamis, torrential rains, and tornadoes.
    Fragment- connect to the previous sentence with a comma and use semicolons for the list
  • AI is one of the existence that are effecting our daily life.
    AI is one of the factors/problems affecting our daily lives.
  • Now, with better techology than ever, you do not have to wonder about this mysterious phenomenon anymore as recent discoveries have shown that time travel does exist and it's been suggested that it existed since ancient times.
    Put a period after "exist" Start a new sentence.
  • Also it might be more convenient world and people have solved many kinds of environment problems.
    Also it might be a more convenient world and people can solve many kinds of enviromental problems.
  • And also the closest planets from the Eart6
  • The Theory of Relativity claims that time and space are relative.
    change relative to connected
  • And also the closest planets from the Eart6
  • It is not forever that humans are the smartest in the world.
    WC/ SS Humans have not always been the smartest creatures in the world.
  • AI has a lot of drawbacks to the society for three reasons
    change "to" to "in" and get of "the" before society
  • And also the closest planets from the Earth are the moon and Mars.
    and & also are redundant, change "from" to "to", the moon is a satellite