
Alan Turing 5th

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  • When was Alan Turing born?
    In 1912
  • At the end, Alan developed the ________ at Manchester University
  • TRUE OR FALSE? At high school, Alan works hard in all subjects
    False, only in maths and science
  • TRUE OR FALSE? Alan's very bad at maths
  • Where was Alan Turing born?º
    In London
  • After university, Alan worked at...
    Bletchley Park
  • TRUE OR FALSE? Alan loves doing puzzles and secret codes
  • At university, Alan invented the...
    Turing Machine
  • TRUE OR FALSE? Alan develops the first computers at Cambridge University
    False, it's at Manchester University
  • Alan Turing cracked the famous secret code named...
  • When Alan was 13, he loved...
    Doing puzzles and secret codes
  • TRUE OR FALSE? Alan studies English at Oxford University
    False, he studies maths at Cambridge University
  • In which University did Alan study?
    Cambridge University
  • What were his favourite subjects
    Science and maths
  • Were his teachers always happy?
    No, they weren't