
Seasons and Weather

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  • What do you call a snowman that's been in the sun too long?
    A puddle
  • When the sun shines bright and the days are long, Children play, and birds sing a joyful song. Which season has come along?
  • Four children and their pet dog were walking under a small umbrella. But none of them became wet. How?
    It was not raining
  • I’m made of tiny drops, falling from the clouds, I can be a drizzle, or I can be loud. What am I?
  • What goes up when the rain comes down?
  • In what year did Christmas Day and New Year's Day fall in the same year?
    Every year
  • What do you call a stormy day in outer space?
    A meteor shower
  • Walk on the living, they don't even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble. What are they?
    Fallen leaves
  • If there’s one of these nearby make sure you don’t just stop and stare. Get in a shelter and hide from this twisting column of air.
  • How far is it from March to June?
    A single spring
  • I am a stop sign, what you see in blood, a rose, and, of course, an Autumn leaf. What am I?
    Red colour
  • I’m something in the sky, colorful and bright, I appear after rain, to everyone’s delight. What am I?
  • What lives in winter, dies in summer, and grows with its roots upward?
  • Why does heat move faster than cold
    Everyone can catch a cold
  • I’m frozen raindrops, falling from the sky, I make everything glisten. What am I?
  • I am something that cannot be seen, I’m measured on the Beaufort scale. I help to keep a kite in the air and I am what helps ships to sail.
  • If you look up during the day Then you will see this lit Because it is Earth’s closest star Around which we orbit
  • I can come in three forms But this is my solid state And when I’m hard enough On me you’re able to skate
  • What are all of these things being described: cumulus looks soft and fluffy in form, the stratus has layers and cirrus is thin, cumulonimbus is seen in a storm.
  • I occur after a flash of lightning. You can tell how far away I am by counting the seconds after the flash occurs. I am loud. What I am?
  • I’m a flash of light, followed by a roar, I might come during a storm, but not before. What am I?