
Family Quiz

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  • How many of the other planets in our solar system would fit in the gap between Earth and the Moon?
    All of them
  • How many classes are there in Team Fortress 2?
    1) Scout 2) Soldier 3) Pyro 4) DemoMan 5) Heavy 6) Engineer 7) Medic 8) Sniper 9) Spy
  • What is nuclear fall out?
    When radioactive material blown into the atmosphere falls back to Earth
  • What does the adjective "parsimonious" mean?
    unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal.
  • The name of a perceptual phenomenon where people can see sound or hear taste.
  • What is Nick Edmond's wife's name?
  • What unit is the height of a horse measured in?
  • This is the symbol for the most commonly occurring phoneme in English. What is its name?
  • What does DNA stand for?
    deoxyribonucleic acid
  • Which of the following is not a skill in the Massively Multiplayer Online game Old School Runescape™? A)Crafting B)Construction C)Fletching D)Smelting
  • What is the name for a word that can have opposite meanings depending on the context?
    contronym or Janus word or auto-antonym
  • How many laps around the Monopoly board must you do before you can buy property?
  • Which country has the largest population in the world? A)Los Angeles B)Dubai C)China D)Johannesburg
  • A temperature change of 1 Kelvin is equal to a change of how many degrees Celsius?
    1 degree Celsius
  • Where is Gondwana?
    Name any 2: South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, the Indian Subcontinent, Zealandia, and Arabia
  • Who is Tenzin Gyatso?
    The Dalai Lama
  • The French phrase "ç'est la vie" Translates to what?
    It's life
  • To revamp is to "give new and improved form, structure, or appearance". What is a vamp?
    A piece of material on a shoe
  • Alexis Ohanian, a co-founder of reddit is married to which famous tennis player?
    Serena Williams
  • Where does the woman's swim ware, "bikini", get its name from?
    Bikini Atoll where America did nuclear testing
  • How many kilograms does 1 litre of water weigh?
  • France's longest border is shared with which other country?
  • The person who invented the "Automatic pool cleaner" came from which country?
  • What is the etymology of the word 'Calculus'?
    (small) pebble