
Lesson 5: Clothing (for Grades 3 & 4)

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  • Who is wearing the green striped sweater and navy blue pants?
    girl 2
  • What do you call this item of clothing that only girls wear?
    a blouse
  • What pattern do the sweater, the dress, and the socks all have?
    polka dots
  • Make a sentence!
    They are wearing mint caps and yellow boots.
  • What do you call these items of clothing?
  • Make a sentence!
    She is wearing a beige sweater and an orange skirt.
  • Make a sentence!
    He is wearing a red hoodie and a brown coat.
  • Make a sentence!
    We are wearing rainbow mittens.
  • He is wearing brown pants, black shoes, and a brown tie.
    man 3
  • What is the little boy wearing? (Name at least 2 items of clothing and their colors.)
    He is wearing ....(a blue jacket / purple gloves / a pink scarf / a white beanie)
  • Name these three types of shoes.
    boots / sneakers / slippers
  • You wear these especially when it's very cold outside or if you touch snow.
  • What do you call these items of clothing that you wear underneath your clothes?
  • Who is wearing a pink skirt and a beige blouse?
    girl 1
  • What is teacher wearing? ("You are wearing.....")
    You are wearing ____ and _____.
  • What are YOU wearing? ("I am wearing _____ and _____.")
    I am wearing _____ and _____. (YOUR ANSWER)
  • Who is wearing brown shorts and a green shirt?
    boy 2
  • What is he wearing? (Name at least 2 items of clothing and their colors.)
    He is wearing... (a light blue vest / light blue shorts / a black tie / a white shirt / black shoes)