
Intermediate 1 - Present perfect and Past simple

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  • I ______________ camels before, but I don't like it. (ride)
    've ridden
  • True or false. Past simple is used when the action started in the past and continues in the present.
  • True or false. Present perfect is used for an action that started and finished in a specific period in the past.
  • True or false. Present perfect is used for an experience or event when we don't know when it happened.
  • He ____________ a parachute jump before, he's afraid of heights! (never/do)
    's never done
  • My mother ____________ in the same house for 20 years and still loves it. (live)
    has lived
  • There's so much work that I ______________ lunch yet! (eat)
    haven't eaten
  • Diego and Tamara ________________ each other since primary school and still talk every week. (know)
    have known
  • My family __________ in Rivera for 5 years, but then we moved to Colonia. (live)
  • The first time I __________ to Brazil I was six years old. (go)
  • ________ you ___________ dinner already? I told you I'd do it! (start)
    Have / started
  • Last night I ___________ a really good film on TV. (watch)
  • ________ Jane _________ home yesterday? It was freezing! (walk)
    Did / walk